Well folks...

My life is pretty boring right now. I wrote an interesting research paper titled "Glossolalia in Pentecostalism Through the Eyes of Weber, Marx, and Mead: A Diachronic Analysis"
(there's a mouthful for you - aren't you glad you don't have to trade places with me... it's basically the long way of saying that I analyzed how speaking in tongues has evolved and changed in the Pentecostal church from the perspective of some old dead guys who called themselves sociologists... I should have put THAT on my title page/in my thesis). I wrote another paper... and another paper... and another paper (that was just last week). I wrote another paper this afternoon. And now I need to write another paper. And another and another. Before Friday. But before I write another paper, I would like to procrastinate for just one more minute to tell you that I'm tired of writing. And I'm tired of pretending that I like writing. But like or un-like, I am a machine and I can gitter done. So I will. I will gitter done in the next one hour and twenty-six minutes, because at 10pm sharp, I intend to be where I am every weeknight at 10pm. Taking a break with a bowl of mixed berries (and potentially Balkan yoghurt and honey mixed in too... try it sometime). Congratulate me, folks! I am now a person who takes breaks even when I don't have time to take breaks. I watch movies, hang out with people, and sleep 8 hours at night even when school is breathing down my neck. I (usually) do all things in moderation. Except drink tea - which I still do in excess. And the qualifier *usually* allows me to continue being a huge hypocrite at times while still feeling good about all the progress I've made. I have never been so behind... I have never
been appeared so un-stressed. I have never been so afraid that the pressure will get to me and I'll crack like a rotten Easter egg. But we all have limits, don't we? And I've decided that one of my boundaries reads like this: "I will have a life outside of _____________ (work, school, etc.)". And I will post again when the world turns right-side up again, when the sky stops falling
a la Chicken Little, and when I stop
running writing around in circles like a chicken with my head cut off. Two weeks? Two weeks...ish. Unless you want me to start posting my papers as blogposts, which would be pretty lame. Two-ish weeks. I like qualifiers... -ish is a good qualifier.
Good for you Jen:) I am proud of you for taking breaks despite being busy!
Go Breaktime!!
I wrote the book on breaktime when I was actually supposed to be writing research papers. It's a good thing I've thrown the towel in on all of that.
No breaks.
No papers.
I actually thought of calling you tonight on the way home from rugby and something told me that you were busy...I think God was telling me that it wasn't your breaktime yet.
Sometime soon - when you're not writing papers we should catch up...especially because we're WAY over two weeks now. ;)
much love
I was probably either running at the gym or having a beer and chatting. But now I'm writing a paper. Two, actually. But yes, let's chat.
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