"Bless the moment... and the years will be their own blessing. Many of us
live life in a rush because it allows us to believe we are going somewhere."
-Jacob the Baker-

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dear Self

Dear Self,
You're acting grumpy and withdrawn.  I know that you have valid reasons for your behaviour.  You are pms-ing.  You have pressing deadlines that you're scrambling to meet, the cumulative weight of post-grad unknowns, and a handful of other overwhelming stressors.  I don't want to sound invalidating because I know that withdrawing is how you're currently trying to cope, so I'll just ask... "How's that working for you?"  Is it making you more productive?  Happier?  Relieving stress?  Resolving your concerns and unknowns?  If so... by all means continue.  I suspect, however, that it's just digging a deeper pit in the bottom of which you can hide, but from which you must eventually climb out.  May I suggest that you adopt an alternative strategy for coping?
(Tough) Love,


Heidi said...

I love your ability to write this kind of thing so honestly Jen. So sorry you're struggling. Sorry I missed your call the other day. Love you so so much!
Heidi Bee:)

Unknown said...

I had one of those days. This is what it resulted in:


Also - see the post..."One of those days".

All this to say - I get it. You're not alone.