there has been some dinnertime discussion around here about the meaning of a wink, specifically as it functions in flirting. perhaps we ought to find better social problems to solve... like world peace or poverty. but laughter heals many ills, especially when combined with coffee and friendship - so i ask again... it bold?
...flirtatious? it entertaining?
...inappropriate? sharing secrets between friends? exhilarating? creepy?
my friend from India responded with over-exaggerated stubbornness, insisting that only her boyfriend would be allowed to wink. i haven't pulled a prank since Del Griffith moved out in december... and it incited in me a deep desire to prank someone. so since this conversation, we started a wink-at-Freda initiative in which we ask random students to wink at her as boldly as they dared. in our search for eligible random students to include in our sociological study, we have enjoyed numerous conversations about the meaning of a wink. our Korean friends say that winking gives them chicken-skin (translated: goosebumps), and contend that it is absolutely inappropriate. a few confident college students bought into winking at her with little more than a passing explanation of our rationale. one chivalrous gentleman refused outright, but later consented, though he couldn't bring out more than a twitch or two when the moment came. all in all... we have no conclusions except that it is entertaining to watch people's reactions when they wink or are winked at. glance back to see who's behind you? give the eeew, that's creepy look? wink back? laugh? what is said in a wink?
3 months ago
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