Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that it's not hard to find a reason to laugh at my expense. Most of you also know that I'm usually willing to join in the laughter as long as it doesn't carry on for too long. Like that one time... when I drove around the perimeter of Winnipeg twice, thinking the whole while that I was on my way to Alberta (if you still need to hear that outrageous story, you'll have to comment and let me know). Or that other time... well, I didn't laugh right away that time, but it may or may not have been a story bearing a similar title to this one, involving canoodling or other such regrettable teenaged (I was still 19) behaviour... which I (yes, CBear, I admit that you were right) eventually laughed about. But I digress... the steamy content of this story is of a slightly different variety.
It's a chilly day in Winnipeg... -40 degrees Celcius or thereabouts. Loving a hot cup of tea on a cold day, especially when contained in her beautiful Thermos brand, stainless steel go-mug, Jenni packs along some freshly steeped tea. Jenni - knowing that no drinks are allowed in the sanctuary of the church - reluctantly leaves her full-of-hot-tea go-mug in the car. She knows that it will have cooled considerably by the time she emerges from the church, but this trusty go-mug is a loyal friend, and will leave the tea at least tepid at the end of the evening. Jenni thinks fondly of her Thermos-brand go-mug and warm tea throughout the church's annual general meeting and the post-meeting small group get-together. On emerging from her small group meeting, Jenni is very thirsty, having consumed excessive quantities of Jelly Belly candies while laughing and talking with said Bible study group. After starting the car and pulling out of the church parking lot, she grabs her stainless-steel Thermos-brand go-mug to take a sip, but finds that the mug is painfully cold on her bare fingers. Not wanting to freeze her poor fingers on cold metal, she slips her cold hands into her warm mittens and picks up her stainless-steel-Thermos-brand-full-of-tepid-tea go-mug to try again.
Do you see where this is going?
Please tell the poor, silly character in this story to go back and think again.
Or just laugh at me...
...that works too.
Multi-tasking like a pro (they don't allow cell phones while driving in MB, but no bans on hot drinks yet), Jenni shifts down, maneuvers into the left lane, and lifts her mittened hand holding the stainless steel Thermos-brand go-mug of tepid tea to her lips; she discovers that when cold metal meets wet skin (ie; lips), it sticks.
Go-mug: 1, Jenni: 0.
Postscript: Although the devoted, loyal friendship between Thermos-brand and Jenni has become somewhat adversarial in nature, they continue to share a deep bond, though no longer at the lips.
3 months ago
i love it.
and i'm glad that you're laughing about the other thing. that makes me happy.
and keep an eye on my blog for the 'pop culture' conversation...just for you.
but i do think that you should still compile a list of musicians...t'would be good to know which direction you're thinking.
sorry - i didn't realize that i was signed into the camp's thing...that previous commment was by yours truly...
(Said by our dear friend Piglet) Oh d-d-d-d-dear! Glad you haven't let the incident break the deep bond you share:)
I haven't heard the driving story!!
Love you sister:)
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