In the library with a stack of textbooks for a quiet day with two of the three R's (Reading and 'Riting... 'Rithmetic hasn't been my constant companion since 2002 at the UofL), and I am sandwiched awkwardly between a gaggle of giggling freshmen, and a corner full of couches occupied by cuddling couples. Is it just me, or is February an awkward month?
3 months ago
february is crap.
I think February is realization month.
When you realize that there's a possibility that you could leave the year alone and not dating anyone.
March could be strategy month and the April would be action month...when you actually make your move.
Or you could be judging them. Manitoba is a very cold province...perhaps they're just using fundamental methods to keep warm. You know, body heat. They're just poor, freezing students and there's you...heart of ice, judging them...
pretty sure they're suffering from a bad case of freshman frenzy. and pretty sure that if I were to treat march as strategy month and april as action month, then i would be suffering from a severe case of senior panic. but i did have a conversation with someone recently about the disadvantages of making your move just prior to v-day... makes everything pretty awkward. so maybe march and april should be strategy/action months.
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