my life is messy.
i struggle.
i mess up.
i hurt people.
i get hurt.
i carry my own baggage.
and sometimes the baggage of others.
i'm ugly inside.
if only you knew
every piece of the pie
you'd throw the whole thing back in my face.
so i've carefully divided it up.
entrusted small pieces
of the mess
to a handful of people
to test their response.
trembling inside,
i recoil and withdraw
until i know if their reaction will be rejection.
i'm a mess and i know it.
but they know only a part.
if you knew, would you love me?
if you knew, would you accept me?
if you knew, would you embrace me?
would you call me sister, and friend?
i'm a mess, Lord,
through and through
i surrender to You,
surrender to the hands of the Junkyard Artist.
afraid, reaching, desperate,
hungry for grace,
dreading the moment i reach the bottom
of your ocean called grace...
you know... will you love me?
you know... will you accept me?
you know... will you embrace me?
will you call me daughter and friend?
will you make art of the landfill of Mess in my heart?
i want to know You.
i want to be known.
i want to learn
to love well.
my lamb, I love you,
I accept you,
I call you to Myself as beloved daughter,
as friend.
hold you near Me,
laugh and cry,
grieve, rejoice with you, child.
you are Mine.
I love you.
May you, as the king of Kings draws you into His arms, find hope and joy in the journey.
I read this hours after you posted it, but didn't have a chance to comment till now...it's amazing Jen. You did an amazing job of articulating many of the feelings in my heart. I love you sister!
I have never seen "how I feel" articulated so well. Well done and thank you. Teri~
I'm glad it resonated with y'all... sometimes i hesitate to share these kind of words, but somehow sharing anything less seems fake and surface... may we all grow more and more genuine with regard to our own struggles, more and more gracious with regard to the struggles of others. and may we laugh together in the process.
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