I am the ghost in the darkness; the lone occupant of the school at this weary hour. I have no one to talk to but myself, and the sound of my voice sounds a wee bit eery. But the silence is equally eery; I need someone to talk to. And - having written 25 pages in the last 22 hours, I feel that it is my right to write something just because I want to, not because I have to, nor becaue I think I should. Just because. That's it. And so I turn to you. I am doing a dance for joy in my head because the end is nearly here. It has not been perfect, nor even really pretty. In the last two weeks, the prayers of my parents and my friends have been metaphorically holding up my arms so that I could continue. But now it is nearly finished. In 38 hours. And in less than 38 minutes (I hope), I will be able to check one more thing off the list, and call it done - at least for the day.
And then I will sleep for four sweet hours of bliss.
Wish me luck. Send me prayers. See you soon!
3 months ago
So glad there's an end in sight Jen:) Love you so much & can't wait to see you!!
i miss you.
I've seriously read this specific post like ten times at least. I love this.
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