"Bless the moment... and the years will be their own blessing. Many of us
live life in a rush because it allows us to believe we are going somewhere."
-Jacob the Baker-

Monday, November 22, 2010


check check.

i haven't played the word game with this prof before, and i'm interested to see if he catches it.  pretty seamless integration, so i'm thinking not.

other people have also not caught on.  amanda and i have been plotting/scheming/pranking for the last few days.  the poor victim still feels as though all my threats are empty... mwa ha ha.  i learned well from c-bear many moons ago when i still bore the tongue-in-cheek title 'program slave'.  when retaliating... do so from a sufficient distance that the victim cannot immediately strike back.


kerry said...

I'm so curious about this plotting/scheming/pranking! Yesssss, for using "promulgate"!

Jenni said...

"At times, the individual with borderline personality disorder may exude ebullience, but soon sink into despair or fly into fits of anger without provocation or explanation."

And the pranking... well, I will save that for another post, because it was BRILLIANT!