After signing into the student portal, the welcome page greets me with a whole new set of numbers: 99.00, 98.00, 96.67, 106.00, 98.57, 97.00. Those are my grades. Sick, isn't it?

Not only that, but the reduction of a person to a numerical label like 689 946 384 (not my real SIN number), or 35031 (my real student ID #) strips us of our face, our smile, our personality and character, our hopes and dreams, our lofty aspirations, our deepest fears.
Or worse yet – do I (or someone else) somehow feel that I have elevated status as a result of my high numerical values, or the organizations that have offered to ascribe me with a numerical label (a Harvard student ID # or a Microsoft employee number)? Or, though I deny that arrogance, do I – deep in my heart – believe that I have more to offer to society as a result of my achievements? Are achievement, intellect, reason, rationality, and logic idols of Western culture? Think of someone who has a very limited intellectual capacity. Do I somehow believe that people are more or less worthy of love, and more or less capable of offering significant contributions to others based on my accomplishments? My intellect? My personality? My skills? My gifts, talents, roles? What will it take to reframe our beliefs about “us” and about “them” until we believe – to the very core of our souls – that we have neither more nor less to offer to the world around us than anyone else. How long until we no longer measure our worthiness on any scale except this one: I am significant and worthy of love – no questions asked, without any doubt – I have inestimable worth just as I am, on the basis of the fingerprints of the Maker of the universe on my very spirit.
Perhaps in a future blog, I will mull over my own insignificance in the context of God's enormity (a discussion that helps me understand the flip side of this coin), but I think I will leave that for another day. You are enough – just as you are – you have inestimable worth just as you are. This is 35031... signing out.
Thanks Jen :)
~Joi :)
Great post Jen...very true. Love you!
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