The grain elevator turned tea house and collectibles shop in Indian Head, SK. We pulled into the parking lot for two reasons... (1) the need to make a rad spontaneous stop, and (2) I'm pretty sure either Sarah or I needed to dispose of the excessive amounts of tea we drank throughout the trip.
I apologize for not taking pictures of what we found inside. It was AMAZING! (I over-dramaticize for my own sake... not really caring if it annoys you.) An eclectic mix of new and old, beautiful and ugly, relics and cheap trinkets. A pair of rabbit fur mittens for ten dollars and a legit muskrat fur hat for twenty (and no tax - it's on the reserve). Cookbooks from the oldest Mennonite families around. Pottery and tea cups (Kirby - your dog mug too!). Clothing of every variety. Big phat rings and butterfly broaches. The lady in charge said that four sisters just opened the place after collecting items for about twenty-five years. Eich-a-rumba! That's a long time... She was warm and talkative, and within a few minutes, I was convinced that I'd best get a B&B in Indian Head next time I need a place to sleep en route.
The Goji Game
Dark chocolate covered Goji berries.
Berries of comparable size selected for contest.
1. Be the first to suck all of the chocolate off the Goji berry.
2. No chewing allowed.
Game face.
Moment of triumph!
Sad loss... it's okay, you can try again next time, Sarah.
Having now proved how ridiculous I am... I will now move onto some other venture (like my homework).
I'm loving reading about your trip Jen:) Kirby is thrilled about his mug...mentioned it again about a week ago. I told him he'd get it in March...he was a little disappointed, but took it fine & is excited for then. Love you sister!
Mmm. I challenge you to a retry Bartell. I am working on my muscles, and will kick your hiney at our next Goji contest. Be afraid lady.
Thanks for posting, I'm loving the opportunity to relive our fabulous times.
Pease do tell... how do you build those muscles? I have a few practical and completely inappropriate suggestions that come out of too many conversations with youth...
Hey Jen.... Just a few little tidbits...
I saw that very same evidence of our vast familial holdings on the weekend! So funny!
Also, did you happen to notice the town of Uren while driving on the number one highway through Sask? That's my personal favorite.... Who the heck names a town Uren.
i didn't see uren, but i'll have to keep my eyes open for it on the way back... i'll have to gas up there and ask someone who named their town.
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